Mossyrock router upgrade tonight

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Mossyrock router upgrade tonight

Postby forhire » Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:25 pm

Due to today's outage we have accelerated our router upgrade for Mossyrock. The new router should prevent future outages by providing automatic fall over to Morton. Sorry for the lack of prior notice. I actually hoped to finish the programming on the router before Sprint fixed their end :wink:

I expect the outage to be limited to a couple minutes.
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Postby forhire » Thu Sep 16, 2004 7:41 pm

Done! The new router is installed. Worked started at about 7:15 PM PST and the router began routing correctly about 10 minutes later. This new router elimintes two hops between our Morton and Mossyrock data centers. :D
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