Clean up your HTML, with an Open Source Editor.

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Clean up your HTML, with an Open Source Editor.

Postby bookwyrm » Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:19 pm

MS FrontPage, Word, or another HTML Editor make your code ugly?
Try tsWebEditor, to strip proprietary tags, line break characters, and neatly align your code.

It also includes the first Windows GUI-based version of Tidy, which will offer suggestions for making your code W3C compliant, and will even fix the mess Word leaves behind. Tidy has been a Linux program for quite some time, nice to see a port to Windows.

An introduction to HTML Tidy, (Included in tsWebEditor) from the W3C page.
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Postby forhire » Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:46 pm

Recently I've been playing with an online validator here:

It's amazing how sloppy one's code can be and still work.
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Postby bookwyrm » Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:07 am

I've been using the W3C Validator, located at, but I like the one Randy posted MUCH better. Traps a lot of errors the W3C Validator misses. Thanks, Randy!

The W3C also has a CSS Validator, located at

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Postby forhire » Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:28 am

I was almost emberassed by the number of errors it found ;)
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