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Clean up your HTML, with an Open Source Editor.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:19 pm
by bookwyrm
MS FrontPage, Word, or another HTML Editor make your code ugly?
Try tsWebEditor, to strip proprietary tags, line break characters, and neatly align your code.

It also includes the first Windows GUI-based version of Tidy, which will offer suggestions for making your code W3C compliant, and will even fix the mess Word leaves behind. Tidy has been a Linux program for quite some time, nice to see a port to Windows.

An introduction to HTML Tidy, (Included in tsWebEditor) from the W3C page.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:46 pm
by forhire
Recently I've been playing with an online validator here:

It's amazing how sloppy one's code can be and still work.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:07 am
by bookwyrm
I've been using the W3C Validator, located at, but I like the one Randy posted MUCH better. Traps a lot of errors the W3C Validator misses. Thanks, Randy!

The W3C also has a CSS Validator, located at


PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:28 am
by forhire
I was almost emberassed by the number of errors it found ;)